We are quickly approaching the one year remembrance of the tragic loss of 49 innocent souls and injury of 53 others that occurred on June 12, 2016 at Pulse Orlando. People may experience a variety of emotions on or around an anniversary date of a loss or tragedy. Some people may choose to reach out to others for help or support, whereas others may choose to process their thoughts and feelings internally. In any case, I wanted to provide some information and resources to be aware of. Please take care of yourself.
A helpful guide to what you may be experiencing is Coping with Reactions to the One-Year Mark (Orlando United Assistance Center).
On-site counseling is available
Below is a list (courtesy of C. Chik) of some places that are offering free culturally competent and bilingual counseling services.
Proyecto Somos Orlando
6900 S. Orange Blossom Trail, on Floor 2, Orlando, FL
Monday, June 12th, 9AM-5PM
Tuesday, June 13th, 9AM-5PM
Two Spirit Health Services
Pulse Nightclub, Orlando, FL
Monday, June 12th 8AM-Midnight
Orlando United Counseling
320 N. Ferncreek Ave., Orlando, FL
Monday, June 12th 2PM-6PM
Tuesday, June 13th 2PM-6PM
The GLBT Community Center of Central Florida
946 N Mills Ave, Orlando, FL
Monday, June 12th 9AM-3PM
Tuesday, June 13th 9AM-Noon
Wed., June 14th 9AM-Noon, 2PM-5PM
Thurs., June 15th 9AM-Noon
Fri., June 16th 9AM-2PM
Sat., June 17th 3:30PM-6PM
Additional Helpful Reading and Resources
National and Online Resources
Managing Traumatic Stress: Coping with Terrorism - American Psychological Association
Managing your Distress in the Aftermath of a Shooting - American Psychological Association
Coping in the Aftermath of a Shooting - American Psychological Association
Coping After Terrorism for Survivors - The Federal Bureau of Investigation
Coping with a Traumatic Event - Centers for Disease Control
Terrorism, with special focuses on resources for family and children - The National Child Traumatic Stress Network
How to Think About Terrorism - Psychology Today
Here's Why You Feel Actual Pain Over the Orlando Shooting (even if you don't have a direct connection), Huffington Post
The Road to Resilience, American Psychological Association
Building Resilience to Manage Indirect Exposure to Terror - American Psychological Association
101 Ways to Take Care of Yourself when the World Feels Overwhelming – BuzzFeed
The Trevor Helpline, 1-866-4UTREVOR (1-866-488-7386) - Suicide prevention helpline for LGBTQ Youth
Trans Lifeline, (877) 565-8860– Suicide prevention helpline for trans youth, staffed by trans individuals
GLBT National Youth Talkline, 1-800-246-7743
Local Resources
The Center Orlando - Information, events, and support for LGBTQ+ community
Zebra Coalition - Counseling services, hotline, and other support for LGBTQ+ community
Resources for the Muslim Community
Muslims in America, Post 9/11 - American Psychological Association
Islam's Response to Terrorism - Al Islam
Resources for Veterans
Resilience in a Time of War: Homecoming - American Psychological Association
Coping After Terrorism for Survivors - The Federal Bureau of Investigation
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